Saving Stories Personal Historian

Examples of hardbound Books

Below are examples of hardbound book covers. These high-quality books are bound in archival linen with hand stamping on the cover and spine. Hardcover books can also be bound in leather or casewrapped. Dust jackets can be included as well, if desired.

View examples of our paperback personal history book covers and book interiors.

A Family History Book cover
Linen bound books with foil hand-stamped covers.

A Family History Book design
Linen bound books with foil hand-stamped spines.

Sto Lat Chris Wisniewski Saving Stories
Hardcover book with foil hand-stamped title on left, paperback version of same book on right.

Sto lat Chris Wisniewski Saving Stories
Hardcover book with jacket

Fine hand binding

Fine hand binding, including hand sewing, leather work, and gold finishing,
using traditional methods and period style are also available.

These traditional methods can also be used for rebinding and restoration of old family hierloom books
in the case where the original bindings have deteriorated over time. Allowing you to restore them to their original condition to preserve them for future genterions.

Oral history and personal history books.

Family genealogy books.

Family History books

Read descriptions of how we can help you create your own books on personal history,
corporate or organizational history, or memoirs

  Personal historians Northest Network  
American Folklore Society National Aging in Place Council Socieity of Geneologist London
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"Design should never say, 'Look at me.'
It should always say, 'Look at this.'"

— David Craib